6 Reason Why Mumbai is The Most Enchanting City

City of Dreams Through The Eyes of a Mumbaikar Mumbai!! The city that spell bounds you. This city is known by many names - City of Seven Islands, City of Dreams, Gateway to India, Hollywood of India, Financial Capital of India, Maximum City, and Maya Nagari. For people like me who have spent their life… Continue reading 6 Reason Why Mumbai is The Most Enchanting City

Travelogue: My Affair with Kashmir

Gar firdaus, ruhe zamin ast || hamin asto, hamin asto, hamin ast || "If there is ever a heaven on earth, its here, it's here, it's here" My love for Kashmir started when I was in school. During 9th class, there was a chapter on Pahalgam portraying the beauty of the place in vivid details.… Continue reading Travelogue: My Affair with Kashmir