In Review: India’s Bravehearts : Untold Stories from the Indian Army

Author: Lt Gen Satish Dua (Retired)

India’s Bravehearts : Untold Stories from the Indian Army by Lt Gen Satish Dua (Retired)

Format: Kindle

Genre: Nonfiction

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Very few times in my life I come across a book where I am unable to review it. This was a such mesmerizing read.

I find myself incapable of rating this book any lesser than a fantastic five.

Lt Gen Satish Dua, in this closer to his heart book tells us stories of valour, heroism, brotherhood of India’s real heroes.

Lt Gen Dua explains terms which may not be known to common folks like us. The language of the book is simple. The flow is natural and doesn’t feel overly drawn out.

Every short story takes us to the Line of Control (LOC). It transports us to the very battlefield where these brave hearts fought for our nation and its sovereignty.

This book forces us to think of the people who make it possible for us to live our life comfortably, while at that very time their lives are on line to enable that.

My only complaint is that I want next book with more short stories of India’s Brave hearts.

Excellent book, something which every Indian should read.

Thank you Lt Gen Dua, for this book and also for your service to our nation!

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