First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros #05

Happy Tuesday, friends! Every Tuesday, Diane @ Bibliophile By the Sea hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros in which bloggers share the first paragraph of a book they’re reading or thinking of reading soon.

Here’s bringing you the first paragraph from the book Aversion by Kenechi Udogu.


My name is Gemma Green and I am an Averter. You’re probably wondering what that means and why it is important for me to state that I am one. On the surface, there is not much difference between me and most other fifteen-year-old girls, except for the fact that I have the ability to alter people’s minds and stop them from carrying out actions that will unhinge their predestined life paths. I know it sounds impossible but trust me, it’s true. Only another Averter will be able to tell what I am from sight. Well, not really sight. We have the ability to sense things that others overlook. For example, I always know when I’m being lied to. I can’t tell what the exact lie is but I get a knot in my stomach every time I hear one; the bigger the lie, the tighter the knot. It’s clearly not the most enjoyable ability for anyone to have but the older we get, the easier it becomes to tune the feelings out. You eventually get to a point where the only person’s emotions you can tune into is the person you are assigned to. But I’ll get to that later.

What do you think, will you read more or pass on this book?

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