In Review: Joyful Trouble


Joyful Trouble by Patricia Furstenberg
Format: Paperback
Pages: 180 pages
Genre: Children’s book


About The Book

A humorous read about an incredible dog and how he had found his true, yet unexpected calling.

A dog. A friendship. A purpose.

When a Great Dane arrives in a navy base nobody expects him to win everybody’s hearts, although breaking some rules along the way. But things soon turn sour as somebody threatens to put him to sleep. Who will stand up for this four-legged gentle giant? Tackling universal themes and voicing animal rights and the importance of fighting for what is right.

My Review

When I started this book, I was ready to cry to my heart’s content, considering this book was based on a dog. But instead, I came across a sweet, humorous and fun read.

This book is based on a true story of Able Seaman “Just Nuisance”, the only dog ever to be officially enlisted in the Royal Navy. He served with HMS Afrikander, a Royal Navy naval base in Simon’s Town, South Africa, during the WWII.


Coming back to the book, Patricia has taken inspiration from the story of Just Nuisance and written a beautiful and oh so refreshing tale of friendship, loyalty, and love.

In the book, the story of “Joyful Trouble”, a mischievous but a very friendly and helpful Great Dane is narrated by a granddad to his 2 grandchildren, 9-year-old Anna and 5-year-old Tommy.

Trouble was a friend of the entire Simon’s town, especially the seamen. So much so that, he followed them everywhere, and even helped them. He was a quick-witted and (unintentionally!!!) funny dog. I couldn’t stop from laughing at some of Trouble’s actions, that finally got him enlisted in the Royal Navy. Even the part how Trouble got his name, was so amusing.

Being a dog person myself, I absolutely loved this book. I laughed with this book and shed a tear or two as well. Overall this was a quick and very delightful read. Even though this book is tagged as a children’s book, I would recommend it to all.

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