Book Haul #03 – March’17

Hello Everyone, I was so telling myself that I will not buy more books. My bookshelf does not have enough space for more books. But let me tell you, books are evil creatures. They just hypnotize you and make you do their bidding. Annnnd .... Here I am with my third book haul of 2017. See,… Continue reading Book Haul #03 – March’17

Friday 56 #4

The Friday 56 is a fun meme brought to you by the superb blog, Freda’s Voice. The rules are simple and are listed below. Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that’s ok.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don’t spoil it) *Post… Continue reading Friday 56 #4

Wondrous Words Wednesday #4

Hello Friends, While reading, we come across many new words that we don’t know about. We don’t always care about to look for their meaning. Fantasy fiction books like Harry Potter, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland are full of such word marvels. “Wondrous Words Wednesday”, a very interesting meme from Bermuda Onion is to celebrate… Continue reading Wondrous Words Wednesday #4

Cover Reveal: Camino Island by John Grisham

I am thrilled to present to you the cover of new summer release by Best-selling author John Grisham, "Camino Island". Grisham's new heist thriller, Camino Island, will be released on June 6th. This is 30th novel by the acclaimed author. Camino Island A gang of thieves stage a daring heist from a secure vault deep… Continue reading Cover Reveal: Camino Island by John Grisham