In Review – Letters Never Meant to be Read


Letters Never Meant to be Read by Marc Crepeaux, Kristi Denker, Joel Dockery, Brandon Lawrence, Meghan Rynn
Published by: Rusty Wheels Media, LLC
Genres: Nonfiction
Pages: 107
Format: Kindle Edition


About The Book:

Sometimes angry, occasionally sad and often with humorous quotes, the authors of Letters Never Meant to be Read share their views on life with the power of the written word. In the today’s world of 3 second text messaging, emojis and Facebook, most people don’t know how to write a letter that connects with others. Imagine the effect that you could have on the object of your unrequited love, if you could express yourself through letter writing!

Letters Never Meant to be Read contains a compelling series of writings which have been created by five accomplished authors. Immerse yourself in these amazing letters and allow your full range of emotions to be experienced as you rediscover the power of the written word in letter form.

My Review:

This book is a collection of letters never meant to be read by anybody. Even though it is a non-fiction book, the raw emotions with which these letters are written, it feels like you are reading a work of fiction.

While reading this book; I felt that some of the letters should have been shared with the intended. Some letters were heart-wrenching, thought-provoking and even philosophical.

I can’t choose my favorite letter, as all the letters are fantastically composed and edited. “Dear Denton” made me realize that we do not always listen to others around us. One quote from this letter is hard hitting, where the author writes to his deceased friend –

We had a great time hanging out with the nerdy girls of that suite and pretending to be so depressed and in pain. The problem was, you were never pretending.”

This book is full of such hard-hitting and eye-opening letters and quotes. It has the power to bring out diverse emotions to the forefront – sorrow, anger, sympathy, and most importantly joy.

A very well produced book, that would make a great tea time read or an excellent gift. My advice is that you should rush out and buy yourself a copy.

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