6 Reason Why Mumbai is The Most Enchanting City

City of Dreams Through The Eyes of a Mumbaikar

Mumbai!! The city that spell bounds you. This city is known by many names – City of Seven Islands, City of Dreams, Gateway to India, Hollywood of India, Financial Capital of India, Maximum City, and Maya Nagari.

For people like me who have spent their life in Mumbai, it is just not a city; it is a lot more than that, Mumbai is home. Mumbai is an emotion, an experience, a camaraderie, and a reason of pride for all Mumbaikars (People who live in Mumbai.) You cannot imagine your life without it if you ever lived here in this city.

Taj Hotel, Mumbai

Even though many feel that Mumbai is overcrowded, packed with traffic jams and is not worthy enough to stay; thousands of people come to this city every day, with a dream of becoming successful.

Here are a few reasons why I think Mumbai is the absolutely most enchanting city in the world.

Mumbai is culturally diverse
Mumbai introduces you to people of different cultures and borders. Where else will you find people of every caste, creed, and gender enjoying the same meal, together? Here in Mumbai, you are best friend with a Gujarati, a neighbor of a South Indian, a train buddy of a Maharashtrian, a bus partner of a Muslim and office colleague of a Punjabi.


Mumbai knows how to celebrate a festival – any festival!

Staying in Mumbai is a year long party. All the festivals are celebrated with full color and vigor in Mumbai. Be it Sankranti, Baisakhi, Holi, Diwali, Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga Puja or Eid; Mumbai loves to celebrate.


Mumbai is a great teacher

Mumbai makes you efficient, courageous and jugaadu (innovative). The fast life of Mumbai helps you deal with your problems efficiently. The mad traffic, overcrowded public transport, and roads teach you patience


Mumbai is an inspiration

This city inspires you in many ways, there is an inspirational story lying around at every corner of the city, waiting to be discovered. You know what? Nobel Laureate Rudyard Kipling, who wrote The Jungle Book was born in Mumbai. Even Gregory David Roberts and Salman Rushdie are Mumbaikars.


Mumbai is safe for women

Mumbai remains one of the top 10 cities in India that are safe for women. I don’t know too many other cities in India, where I can easily travel at 2 am by myself.


Mumbai never stops, come hell or high water!

Be it the 1993 serial blasts, the 2008 attacks or the 2011 bombings, the city never stops. The fighting spirit and the confidence are ingrained in every Mumbaikar.

Once Salman Rushdie, the Booker Prize-winning author and Mumbaikar said, “You can take the boy out of Bombay; you can’t take Bombay out of the boy, you know.” Truer words have never been spoken.

Thanks for reading!


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