Are You Afraid of Failure? Get Over It!

There are some defeats more triumphant than victories. - Michel de Montaigne It is known fact that we do not fear obstacles, limits or hard work; what we fear the most is the failure. How many times have you stopped trying, fearing that you will fail? Abandoned that business venture midway, stopped writing that book (which is… Continue reading Are You Afraid of Failure? Get Over It!

7 Great Reasons Why March is Going to be Fabulous Month for Book Lovers

As book lovers, we wait eagerly for all the book releases in the world (even though, we know that we will be unable to slurp all the deliciousness available in the book world...) Here I am listing 7 upcoming book releases that will make March 2017 an amazing bookish month. You're Welcome, Universe by Whitney… Continue reading 7 Great Reasons Why March is Going to be Fabulous Month for Book Lovers

Wondrous Words Wednesday #2

Hello Friends, While reading, we come across many new words that we don't know about. We don't always care about to look for their meaning. Fantasy fiction books like Harry Potter, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland are full of such word marvels. "Wondrous Words Wednesday", a very interesting meme from Bermuda Onion is to celebrate… Continue reading Wondrous Words Wednesday #2