In Review: Paths of Glory – History Through Archer’s Eyes

Paths of Glory by Jeffrey Archer Published by St. Martin's Press Genres: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Adventure Pages: 384 Format: Paperback My Review in 15 Words: Did Mallory get to the top of Everest? Did he not? A fictional biography on the life of George Mallory - the British mountaineer - who went missing atop Mount Everest during ill-fated 1924… Continue reading In Review: Paths of Glory – History Through Archer’s Eyes

Travelogue: My Affair with Kashmir

Gar firdaus, ruhe zamin ast || hamin asto, hamin asto, hamin ast || "If there is ever a heaven on earth, its here, it's here, it's here" My love for Kashmir started when I was in school. During 9th class, there was a chapter on Pahalgam portraying the beauty of the place in vivid details.… Continue reading Travelogue: My Affair with Kashmir

In Review: Gone Girl – A Diary of A Twisted Mind

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn Published by Broadway Books Genres: Fiction, Mystery, Crime, Thriller, Contemporary Pages: 422 Format: Paperback Review in 10 Words: A diary of a twisted and deranged mind I am nearly 4 years late in reading this much talked about book. Finally, I decided to give it a go. Usually, I love to read a book… Continue reading In Review: Gone Girl – A Diary of A Twisted Mind